Transition Center of Kansas City

Transition Center Kansas City

The Restorative Reentry Community (RRC) at the Transition Center of Kansas City (TCKC) is a collaborative project initiated by the Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR). RRC is a community focused transition management model rooted in a restorative justice philosophy and based on the principle of human dignity. Inside TCKC, the RRC seeks to create a culture free from negative influences of typical prison environments and establish an atmosphere where cooperation and collaboration between and among residents, staff, and administration is the norm. Seeing the dignity of each human being is at the core of this collaboration, breaking down the “us versus them” mentality found in correctional institutions to foster successful transformations founded in trust, compassion, empathy, and healing.

To reach TCKC, call 816-842-7467

The restorative justice focus of TCKC emphasizes fundamental principles that include but are not limited to: repairing harm, restoring relationships, resolving conflict without violence, and circle processes. These are integrated with the reentry preparedness process to facilitate within each resident accountability and responsibility, personal development, civic and social engagement, and practices that promote leading a life free from crime and violence.

Community partners provide residents with opportunities to explore various paths and encourage thoughtful, fulfilling transformations. Community partners may offer programs or classes inside TCKC, provide employment or learning opportunities outside the facility, or support the work of the program. The program is split into four phases: Orientation, Discovery, Journey, and Transition. Community partners are largely involved in the Discovery, Journey, and Transition phases when residents are completing core classes, choosing their individual tracks (education, employment, or self-improvement), and developing a personal transition plan for life outside the facility. Community partners also help to coordinate services to provide a more unified reentry-focused product.

The work of TCKC continues outside of the center, as graduates of the program are supported by case managers, parole officers, and various community partners to continue a smooth transition. TCKC will also be organizing Citizen Circles in which groups of community members at a church, business association, neighborhood association, or the like, will “adopt” a returning citizen and act as an additional support and resource network. Program graduates will also be encouraged to return to TCKC to help mentor current residents and advise them on the reentry process both inside and outside based on their personal experience.

The Restorative Reentry Community seeks to enhance the existing reentry process by creating a supportive community on the inside to better prepare and connect participants to more resources available on the outside.

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