
Re-entry and Prison Stories

Conflict Resolution at KCRC

Every Monday and Wednesday at the Kansas City Community Release Center, you can find residents attending a group called Conflict Resolution. Facilitators from the Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR) are able to go in and spend time with a group of men who are excited to learn and practice new ways of interacting and having relationships.

The group meets once a week for 2 hours, for 6 weeks. At the end of the 6 weeks, CCR host a graduation time from the class. There are two options of classes: CORE and Advanced CORE. During these classes, residents wrestle with hard topics, such as how to uphold each other’s dignity and analyzing the ten elements of dignity, what restorative justice looks like compared with the criminal legal system, what different types of trauma are and how trauma is experienced, what brains do in situations of trauma, and much more. The classes allow for men to rethink their approach to conflict and their thought processes behind their responses while in conflict.

CORE and Advanced CORE offer opportunities to do the hard work of self and community reflection in a group, enabling ideas and thoughts to be bounced off of each other and the facilitators. CCR is extremely proud of all of the men who have worked so hard to do this self and communal work. We are delighted to share with you the photos of the graduations from the past 4 classes we’ve had the opportunity to work with. We hope you enjoy the photos!

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